
Hi, my first blog is all about ... DOING ... what your heart has been waiting for many many years...

More and more people are finding their own path, their own ways of heart
after decades of ´fighting (against life or against each other)`, of ´not being good enough´, of just living to survive or of only working hard for being ´save´...

I am sure there is a heavenly plan for everyone and that We are all gonna find our ways to express ourselves within a peacefull and lovingly connected society. We´ll all find the courage to live for what we are here for - always guided by our own hearts...

Do what you love ...

Live what you want...

Reisen, Kunst, Bücher, Fotografie, Gedichte & Lyrik,
Gesundheit, Essen ...

Be who you are ...


I have always been a person with f... too many interests and you may call it desires. I was always doing a thousands of things at the same time. I was often struggling because I didn´t know how to manage my time and I felt like a leaf blown by the wind in whatever direction it wanted me to fall...

On one hand my life felt great, most time in a good flow, on the the other hand it felt like a big chaos until I learned to go one step at a time and that for everything that may come there is a special quality of time, there is a day it suddenly appears. And if it has been in your mind for a long time and it hasn´t shown yet it might manifest years later... although most of the things I´m wishing for, appear in the next second or at the next day :)

What I also learned is that there´s always a big chaos before things become organized and you can finally see the big picture. I am so happy about my homepage because now I´m free to express all these different parts of my life which come directly out of my soul and into this world...


Love and Hugs